Madhunashini vati - Yoga & Diet

It is mentioned that when a patient consumes this medicines he/she will have to follow a change  in diet , lifestyle and body activities for the best outcome. Yoga is one of those procedures which helps in relaxing both mind and body. Yoga when coupled with practices such as Pranayama is found to give miraculous results as well. Pranayama is one of those practices which helps in improving oxygen supply to the entire body tissues which in turn helps to stimulate pancreatic cells for insulin production. Yoga poses which can be practiced by diabetic patients include Sethubandhasana, Balasana, Vajrasana, Sarvangasana and Halasana. All these poses can be learned from an experienced yoga master or a naturopathist. These poses are seen to overcome several other clinical conditions along with diabetes.  For instance, Sethubandhasana helps in improving digestion,relieves the symptoms of menopause and stretches the neck and spine. Balasana helps to calm the mind and relieves stress and fatigue. Thus one can get the best benefit out of Madhunashini vati when coupled with yoga.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga and diet are 2 important factors which one has to follow while on an ayurvedic medication. While modern medicine can be helpful as a background for applying the physical aspects of Yoga, it lacks the yogic understanding of life and the human being for a full application of all the branches of Yoga for body, mind and spirit.Ayurveda develops its view of the body and mind, nature and healing from the background of Yoga philosophy as outlined through the twenty-five tattvas of the Samkhya system. Ayurveda provides us a complete mind-body system of medicine in terms of all aspects of diagnosis and treatment that reflects a Vedic and Yogic approach, values and wisdom.All the diet and yoga asanas mentioned above are general and varies between individuals.
